Sunday, October 28, 2012

Confessions of a Post-Structuralist 2011

Confessions of a Post-Structuralist from Avery Isa Merideth on Vimeo.

This is my first animated short. I produced it on my mom's lap in Chicago, Illinois. It's also my first soundtrack as well. I'm working on another film as we speak and I'm really excited about animation! I have as many films as my daddy, now. He's working on one too! xo ~AIM

1 comment:

  1. I remember how excited I was when we shot these 4 little drawings and saw an extremely consistent pattern moving on the screen!!! I had visions of my little girl the whiz-bang animator! Still do...but whatever your bliss is you will follow it. (But I'm hoping that being an animator is your bliss :) ) Love-daddy
